Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
Production of glass containers
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed

Glass carafe «Briz»

Product Drawing
Trademark 81969
Номер патента 81969


  • 0.5 L
Количество в паллете, шт Высота паллеты, мм Вес паллеты, кг
1620 2200 693

Glass carafe designed in 2015. The square body of the carafe neck is balanced, equal to one third of the height of the entire product, making it convenient to carry out filling and uncorking. The walls of the bottle complemented ligature ornament that emphasizes the form and selects a field label. This bottle is used for alcoholic beverages, as well as perfect for pouring brandy and liqueurs that set their faces noble shades.

In addition to this product model, you can buy glass bottles on the website.

Capacity 0.5
1.Glass carafe «Briz»
2.Glass carafe «Briz»
3.Glass carafe «Briz»
4.Glass carafe «Briz»
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