Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
Production of glass containers
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
  • en_flagEN

Bottle Design

Creation of an original glass bottle – design and technology.

The design of a new, original glass bottle is a creative process that is based on a specific technology. Industrial designers, creating objects for strictly utilitarian purposes, perform highly artistic work, because they basically create the way you perceive the product image.

Original vodka or cognac bottle packaging, i.e. what the consumer first sees and then associates this product with. In fact, the glass bottle design, its shape, material and label — creates an image of the product that must be attractive and must stand out. Proper implementation of bottle design and image can solve many marketing issues, and above all, influence the consumer’s choice when selecting a product.

A range of activities, from bottle design to industrial production.

For each new project, “SLODES” creates a team of specialists that includes marketing specialists, graphic designers, and industry technologists. Our company provides a complete working cycle, from market analysis to the design of the bottle; the product is then released to manufacturing for the production of completed brand items. For new brands we also developed the corporate identity and bottle labels. We control all steps of the manufacturing process of the original glass bottle, as this is the only way we can be assured of a quality professional result of the solid product. We affirm that our proposed designs of glass bottles are not only original, but are completely 100% functional.

The unique bottle design provides brand recognition and is often a guarantee of authenticity. The shape and design of the glass bottle are registered and protected by law in the same manner as the trademarked brand name.

Glass bottles enhance the prestige of the product.

We work with glass. Glass packaging produces a more favorable impression than packaging made from other materials; it provides the product with a high-quality and expensive looking appearance. However, there are beverages that are bottled only in glass containers, and in this case the product can stand out only with the original design of the bottle. Glass is a material that allows for ease of shaping and creation of totally unique design ideas. The most important thing for success with a product is to use professional experience and explore the opportunities of new technologies.

The most important stages are the design of the glass bottle, its shape, and, when necessary, its label. Our industrial and graphic designers work closely with 3D modelers and production technology specialists. Even at the sketching and pencil outline stage of design of the bottle, intricacies and subtleties are taken into account for the production process, otherwise one can end up with decorative packaging that is unsuitable for mass production. At all stages of production, the original bottle follows a single design plan. That is why it is so important to design a glass bottle with engaged professional industrial designers who are familiar with the process.

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