Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
Production of glass containers
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
  • en_flagEN

Small package of services


- brand mate

Based on the technical specifications or the sketch you provided, our designers will develop a design drawing and computer 3-D model of the designed product. Our designers will be made all technologically necessary additions and all your wishes and adjustments that are most consistent with the specified parameters are taken into account. Using a computer 3-D model, you can visually evaluate the product and if you need to make constructive changes at the initial stage of work.

After coordinating the 3-D model and approval of the product drawing, a voluminous solid-state fuel model is made-a prototype of a bottle of composite material on a 3-D printer. This will help for the visual visualization of future glass products.

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