Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
Production of glass containers
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed

Average package of services


- brand layout (from 6000 c.u.)

- design documentation and manufacturing of the mold set (from 39000 c.u.)

The "Medium" service package includes the full list of services of the "Small" package.

After approval of the drawing and visual prototype of the bottle, our specialists develop design documentation for the details of the mold kit of the future glassware - for the specific glass molding machine, for that glassworks which you suggest. This stage of work is the most difficult in the whole process, the success of obtaining the original bottle, corresponding to your technical specification depends on the literacy of the calculation of the cavities of the finishing and draft forms. Our specialists will coordinate all specific features of the molds and details of the future mold set with technical services of the glass works specified by you, taking into account their type of glass molding machines, in the shortest terms.

Manufacturing of mold sets is one of the successfully developing areas of our company.

Manufacturing of molded parts is carried out on modern high-precision and technologically equipped equipment, in workshops with the latest machine tools, firms of Japan and the USA.

Advanced metalworking methods, surfacing technologies of forming cavities and working cavities of throat rings and parts are used in production of molds and parts.

The most important thing is that despite being equipped with state-of-the-art equipment they use castings made of alloyed iron and bronze in their own foundry, where the recipe and melting technology of the initial material - iron and bronze - have been perfected for decades.

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