Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
Production of glass containers
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:00-17:30, Sat-Sun: closed
  • en_flagEN

Full service package

- brand mate (from 3500 cu)

- design documentation and manufacturing of the molding kit for the glass-forming machine of our industrial sites (from 35,000 cu)

- the manufacture of fiberglasses on our industrial sites and the supply of glass containers (the cost is calculated individually for each project)

The “Complete” package includes the services of the Middle Package, while the molding complexes are made for glass -forming machines of our production sites.

The “Full” package is flawless in its performance when designing future molds. This is facilitated by experience with a long -familiar production technology and deep knowledge of glass -forming equipment. The most significant is the birth of a new bottle, on the forming complex we have prepared.

The responsible part of this package is the organization of uninterrupted delivery of a glass bottle at the request of partners. Dozens of Russian customers of the company and at least a dozen foreign partners are already using the “Full” service package.

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